Home Outreach

M3AAWG develops special initiatives and supports industry-government cooperative projects that we determine will make a significant difference in fighting online abuse. Our special initiatives include:

Image with text: Messaging Malware Mobile

African Anti-Abuse Working Group (AF-AAWG)

Founded in 2020, AF-AAWG will serve as a convening forum for operators in the African Internet service region that want to develop anti-abuse recommendations and best common practices (BCP) in cooperation with global anti-abuse communities and network operator communities. Anti-abuse BCP development will work closely with existing BCOP (Best Current Operational Practices) development processes in the African Internet ecosystem. AF-AAWG will foster dialog among experts in the AF region on abuse, with the objective of documenting these threats and developing anti-abuse best practices to mitigate the immediate threats, and, ideally, remediate the sources of those threats. In effect, AFAAWG will serve as the organizational umbrella for developing a community of actors that can effectively exchange abuse information.

Image with text: Latin American and Caribbean

Latin American and Caribbean Anti-Abuse Working Group (LAC-AAWG)

The Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Center has joined M3AAWG and will be attending our meetings and participating in M3AAWG committees and ongoing projects. LACNIC is the convening forum for the LAC Network Operators Group; LACSEC, the region’s Network Security Forum; and LAC-CSIRT, the regional Computer Secuirty Incident Response Team forum.  As part of the mutual partnership, M3AAWG has also joined LACNIC and will be participating in their meetings to engage with these service providers and online security communities.

Image with the text: Messaging Malware Mobile

Japan Anti-Abuse Working Group (JP-AAWG)

To help strengthen Asian efforts to protect the internet and online users an independent regional offshoot of the global Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group  has been founded to focus on cybersecurity issues related to Japan’s unique challenges- JPAAWG.

“JPAAWG was formed as a place where local industry professionals can collaborate and share information to better protect our internet users. Our goal is to disseminate the proven industry best practices developed by M3AAWG and explore how these apply to Japan then bring back to M3AAWG information on the specific abuse in our region. We also are encouraging other Asian countries to participate in the global anti-abuse community through our regional organization,” said the JPAAWG ChairmanShuji Sakuraba, who is also the application service department general manager at the Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ).

IIJ has been an active member of M3AAWG since it was founded in 2004. They have taken the lead and collaborated with TwoFive and several other local businesses to develop JPAAWG.

M3AAWG Chairman of the Board Severin Walker said, “Regional organizations like JPAAWG are important because online threats tend to flow from country to country, so there is both a global and local aspect to protecting end-users. In M3AAWG, we bring together professionals from around the world to share what has worked for them in fighting cybercrime and online abuse, then we distill this information into best practices and other anti-abuse work. The local professionals in the regional organizations decide how best to apply these processes to their ecosystem and also raise new issues to be addressed by the M3AAWG community.”

More information can be found at https://www.jpaawg.org.